Are you eligible but not get YSR Rithu Bharosa amount of Rs.13500/- per annual ? Then you can find the solution to get YSR Rithu Bharosa by contacting your Grama / Ward Volunteer (or) visiting your Grama / Ward Sachivalayam. Here we are going to give the detailed information for YSR Rithu Bharosa Status Check online and solution for not received payment.
About YSRRithuBharosa :
The Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing “YSR Rythu Bharosa” from October 15th, 2019 for providing financial assistance to the farmer families, including tenant farmers across the State @ Rs.13,500/- per farmer family, per year, to support the cultivators in meeting the investment during the crop season with a view to enable them to timely sourcing of quality inputs and services for higher crop productivity.
వై ఎస్ ఆర్ రైతు భరోసా ప్రతి రైతు కుటుంబానికి ఏటా రూ.13500/-
Not Received YSR Rithu Bharosa Amount ? Helpful Information !
If you not received you can tell to your Grama / Ward Volunteer they may help you
If you not get any instance assistance from your Grama / Ward Volunteer ? Then visit your Grama / Ward Sachivalayam and tell about your problem with Sachivalayam’s Admin. They will check and solve your problem from their end.
If any more information you want to know about YSR Rithu Bharosa Scheme ? Please type at below comment session, we will shortly respond to your queries (or) suggestions. Thank you in advance.
YSR Rithu Bharosa Status Check
- Click on below link to check YSR Rithu Bharosa Status
To check Rythubharosa Status Follow the below steps
Open the URL link :
Enter “Aadhar Number” of YSR Rythubharosa eligible person’s
Finally click on Submit button for check Rythubharosa Status online
ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం – వ్యవసాయ శాఖ
ప్రకృతి విపత్తుల సహాయ నిధి – తుఫాన్ వల్ల పంట నష్ట పోయిన రైతులకు పెట్టుబడి రాయితీ
YSR Rithu Bharosa – Check Input Subsidy Status
Open the below mentioned link to check YSR Rithu Bharosa – Input Subsidy Status
Steps to check YSR Rithu Bharosa Subsidy Status
Open link :
Enter Aadhaar or Mobile Number and click on Submit button
Finally you can check YSR Rithu Bharosa Subsidy Status
గౌ.ముఖ్యమంత్రివర్యులు ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం
శ్రీ.వై.ఎస్.జగన్ మోహన్ రెడ్డి గారు
గౌ. వ్యవసాయ మరియు సహకారమంత్రివర్యులు ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం
శ్రీ కురసాల కన్నబాబు గారు
YSR Rithu Bharosa Scheme Benefits
Land owning farmer
The land owning farmer families who collectively own cultivable land irrespective of size of land holdings will be provided a benefit of Rs.13,500/- per year per family duly including Rs.6,000/- from the Government of India under PM-KISAN in three installments. The existing validated landownership database will be used for identification of beneficiaries under this category of the Scheme
YSR Rithu Bharosa benefit of Rs.13,500/- will be extended to the eligible land owner farmer in 3 installments as mentioned below.
- 1st installment @Rs.7500/- during the month of May (including Rs.2000/- from PM-KISAN)
- 2nd installment @Rs.4000/- during the month of October (including Rs.2000/- from PM-KISAN)
- 3rd installment @Rs.2000/- during the month of January (Exclusively of PM-KISAN scheme)
Financial assistance will also be provided to landless tenant farmers & ROFR Cultivators belonging to SC, ST, BC, Minority categories in the State @13,500/-, per year, from the budget of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Landless Tenant farmers
For Landless Tenant farmers including ROFR Cultivators, the benefit of Rs.13,500/- will be extended in 3 installments from the State Government budget as mentioned below.
- 1st instalment @Rs.7500/- during the month of May.
- 2nd instalment @Rs.4000/- during the month of October.
- 3rd instalment @Rs. 2000/- during the month of January.
YSR Rithu Bharosa Exclusions (Not eligible persons)
Farmers and their family members who are holding the constituency post as (Ex) & Present Ministers, MPs, MLAs & MLCs only are excluded for the benefit under “YSR Rythu Bharosa” and all other people representatives are eligible under the scheme.
If any unmarried child of a farmer is a Government employee or income tax assesse, that will not make the farmer ineligible under this scheme provided he or she does not come under any of the exclusion category.
In case of death cases, the financial benefit will be provided to the spouse of the deceased person. However, from the next year onwards the financial assistance will go to the legal heir, as per the mutations done in the web land.
If any queries (or) tell your suggestions regarding above topic, through below comment session.
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