Here below you can find VIJAYANAGARAM DISTRICT – GARUGUBILLI MANDAL (RURAL) – GOTTIVALASA (Code : 10290569) Sachivalayam’s Details like Secretariat Name, Secretariat Code, Grama Panchayat Name, Welfare and Education assistant, Panchayath secretary Grade -IV Digital Assistant, Village Revenue Officer, Cluster wise Volunteer Names & Secretariat Level Rice Cards.
Sachivalayams in GARUGUBILLI MANDAL (RURAL) Mandal
Secretariat Code : 10290569
Secretariat Name : GOTTIVALASA
Grama Panchayat Name(S)
Welfare and Education assistant
User : 10290569WEA
Mobile : ******3970
Panchayath secretary Grade -IV Digital Assistant
User : 10290569PDA
Mobile : ******8808
Village Revenue Officer
User : 10290569VRO
Mobile : ******6961
Cluster wise Volunteer Names
S.No | Volunteer ID | Volunteer Name | Clu ster |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | ******1519 | PALAKA GANESH | 18 |
2 | ******6750 | TATTABONU SOWJANYA | 17 |
3 | ******7353 | TANNA SANKARA RAO | 16 |
4 | ******6536 | MUDADLA DIVYA TEJA | 15 |
5 | ******6109 | BOBBILLI USHA RANI | 14 |
6 | ******4105 | VODA BHARATHI | 13 |
7 | ******8223 | PALEPU ADINARAYANA | 12 |
8 | ******9776 | DOGGA RUPA | 11 |
9 | ******2980 | BONU DILEEP KUMAR | 10 |
10 | ******7507 | BONU JANARDHANA RAO | 9 |
11 | ******4371 | CHUKKALA RAVIKUMAR | 8 |
12 | ******3679 | BODDANA SIMHAGIRI | 7 |
13 | ******3544 | AIKA APPANNA | 6 |
14 | ******6847 | GARUGUBILLI LAKSHMI | 5 |
15 | ******8553 | AJJARAPU BHARATHI | 4 |
16 | ******5497 | GOTTAPU HIMAKUMARI | 3 |
17 | ******2803 | BONU ESWARAMMA | 2 |
18 | ******7545 | GULLA RATNAKUMARI | 1 |
For any queries regarding this topic, please tell us through below comment session.
The Village Revenue officer
Gottivalasa Secretariat
Sub: – Discrepancies observed in my Arogyasri health card, need to be corrected immediately
Reference: – Arogyasri health card No: UHID10011742640
Dear Sir,
I am Swami Naidu Kenguva, residing at house no: 1- 40, Marupenta Village, Garugubilli Madal, Manyam District – 535463. I am issued a Arogyasri health card No: UHID10011742640 for me as well as my family members. The following names mentioned in the health card.
Sl. No Name Gender Relation Resident ID
1 Kenguva Swami Naidu Male Self 10290569
2 Kenguva Appamma Female Mother 1038437216
3 Kenguva Venkatamma Female Spouse 1042729986
4 Kenguva Murali Male Son 1038437216
5 Kenguva Prasadu Male Son 1498024731
We observed discrepancies in the Arogyasri health card and we would require your immediate attention for correcting the following discrepancies.
• Surname of OUR name is mistakenly mentioned as “KANGUVA” whereas the actual surname of our family is “KENGUVA”. Copy of Adhaar card is attached for your reference.
• My mother Smt. Kenguva Appamma is no more now, she passed away last year, her name to be discontinued from the health card.
• My both sons Kenguva Murali and Kenguva Prasadu are married, and they lead their life with their family individually, hence their names to be discontinued from the health card.
I would like to bring this to your notice that I have visiting your good office for quite some time to get the above amendments in our Arogyasri health card, I regret to inform you that I didn’t proper response from your officed. When I last visited your office and requested Smt. Kunthi Reddy, Digital Assistant to address the above stated issues. She said that since my younger son’s address in his Adhaar card is not from Andhra Pradesh, it is not possible to remove his name. She also mentioned that all the names mentioned in the health card are correct. When I checked up with the same with my son, I came to know that, there is no possibility to link Adhaar numbers with Arogyasri health card as the names mentioned in the cards not matching with names in Adhaar cards. Hence, address mentioned in the adhaar card is irrelevant to amend the names in the arogyasri card.
Honorable government of Andhra Pradesh created Sachivalayam system to support the common men in their daily life so that we don’t need to run around offices to basics works done. I presume the part of the taxes we as a family is paying on every product, commodity is used for paying salaries of Sachivalayam staff also.
In view of the above, it would be greatly appreciated if my concerns mentioned above are addressed on time. Please provide a copy of receipt of this letter for future reference.
Yours faithfully
Kenguva Swami Naidu
1 – 40 , Marupenta Village
Garugubilli Mandal,
Manyam District – 535463