Here below you can find CHITTOOR DISTRICT – YERPEDU MANDAL (RURAL) Area – PAPANAIDUPET (Code : 11090883) Sachivalayam’s Details like Welfare and Education assistant, Panchayath secretary Grade -IV Digital Assistant, Village Revenue Officer, Cluster wise Volunteer Names & Secretariat Level Rice Cards.
User : 11090883WEA
Name : GChiranjeevelu
Mobile : ******4592
User : 11090883PDA
Name : S DEVA
Mobile : ******4564
User : 11090883VRO
Name : SaiPrasad
Mobile : ******7749
Volunteers Details
S.No | Volunteer ID | Volunteer Name | Clu ster |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | ******3533 | NAGA SURESH | 14 |
2 | ******7443 | M DILLI RANI | 13 |
3 | ******5457 | DHOOLI HEMAVATHI | 12 |
4 | ******3721 | NALLAKALATHI LAKSHMI | 11 |
5 | ******3987 | MEKALA LATHA | 10 |
6 | ******6490 | NAGA MAHASWERI | 9 |
7 | ******7743 | LATHA TAMBA | 8 |
8 | ******6950 | N SUMALATHA | 7 |
9 | ******1782 | YUVARAJ VALATHURU | 6 |
10 | ******6075 | KALAPAKA THANUJA | 5 |
11 | ******0601 | YERRAMSETTY SRINUVASULU | 4 |
12 | ******7390 | PASUPULETI JHANSI | 3 |
13 | ******5699 | VEDIMALA BHUVANESWARI | 2 |
14 | ******1976 | KOPELE KUSUMAKUMARI | 1 |
For any queries regarding above topic, please tell us through below comment session.
Respected management, I am G.Supriya belongs to chennampalli .sir i applied for pm kisan .they verified my details aadhar number .But my account number is mistaken. So please update my account number as early as possible. I didn’t get any installment or benifit pm kisan .so please give positive response .
Hi G.Supriya, we understand your problem, you can contact with your volunteer (or) visit your sachivalayam for rectify your problem.
Please find your volunteer contact by entering your aadhar card number at
Thank you…!
Is AADHAR UPDATE is being performed in the Sachivalayam…??
Login is provided or not
Aadhar login not provided to sachivalayam.
Aadhar update not possible through sachivalayam, please visit aadhar update center near by your location.
Thank you.!